Under their Zero-Tolerance Policy, in the event of an allegation of abuse, the Diocese notifies law enforcement, removes the priest from ministry, and addresses the issue transparently in cooperation with law enforcement.

There is a link to the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People on the Diocese website at www.allentowndiocese.org under “Youth Protection.”

How to report abuse: 
If you know of incidents of abuse in the Church or elsewhere, please report it to the State Child Line at 1-800-932-0313 or to local law enforcement. To speak to the Diocese of Allentown’s Victim Assistance Coordinator, please call her direct line: 1-800-791-9209. The Diocese treats victims of clergy abuse and their families with compassion and dignity.

Cómo denunciar un abuso: 
Si conoce algún incidente de abuso en la Iglesia o en otro lugar, por favor repórtelo llamando a la línea de State Child al 1-800-932-0313 o a la policía local. Para hablar con el coordinador de Asistencia a Víctimas de la Diócesis de Allentown, llame a su línea directa: 1-800-791-9209. La Diócesis trata a las víctimas del abuso del clero y a sus familias con compasión y dignidad.